Coronavirus related diseases: spam, scam and other crimes

Coronavirus spam scam thieves

Started. Advice lands in our mailboxes, we get text messages with strange links about coronavirus. There are also some more serious incidents: impersonating state officers of thieves.

With undisguised regret and disgust, we hurry to report that the first units have already performed unfairly to earn some extra money on the ongoing global crisis. Unfortunately, instead of appreciating temporary solidarity and supporting each other, we must be particularly vigilant and careful. And apply the principle of limited trust.

Cybercriminals have already begun to use our fears of a coronavirus epidemic and have intensified their activity. Impersonating banking, service or even government institutions in text messages and emails urges us to open a file or hyperlink, where instead of or in addition to the information sought, there is malware or a fake login panel.

Internet robbers also take advantage of our great interest in buying goods in reserve. They impersonate stores offering us fake discount vouchers. - Impersonation of popular stores is a technique that cybercriminals have been using for many years. In the past, similar campaigns have been used by, among others, Biedronka and Kaufland, although the logo of any other network may also appear there - explains Kamil Sadkowski from Eseta, a company dealing in creating data protection solutions ...

Let's carefully check the domains of the sites we are referred to, let's keep our software up to date and don't be scared.

Thieves are also more insolent. Their tools are not only spam and phishing. They use coronavirus to invade naive older people.

He warns against this even our city portal . Fraudsters pretend to be doctors, healers or even employees of the Ministry, visiting scared older people and offering their help or explaining the need to enter the apartment with sanitary procedures. The real goal is to distract the tenant and steal valuables.

Let us exercise extreme caution and remember that a service employee is required to identify us with an appropriate document.

Coronavirus related diseases: spam, scam and other crimes


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