Apple patents combining and Devices

Apple still seems to consider flexible displays as an immature technique - there is still no indication that it should be used in its products. However, he clearly sees some potential in LG and Microsoft's ideas - and in an interesting way, although theoretically so far, develops it.

Creating the need for an even larger display than we have seems to be the latest idea for cell phone manufacturers. Galaxy Fold or Mate Xs grow to the size of a mini tablet. Razr and Galaxy Z Flip are pocket phones that spread their screen to the height of a large smartphone. And Surface Duo and V60 ThinQ have the form of an open notebook with two displays.

Apple is not yet experimenting with consumers. There is clearly no good idea for getting connected to this new fashion - which does not mean that he does not contemplate a few solutions. One of them is the company's patented technique of connecting various devices, which after such a combination could function as one device.

In other words, two iPhones would be enough to make an iPad . Or rather the Apple equivalent of Surface Duo .

how to connect two iPhones

According to Apple's patent application noted by AppleInsider , this manufacturer is considering adding something like direct pairing to its devices. For example, we could combine two iPhones into one device with a larger screen thanks to a special case.

And this is just an example. The case is not required (but special sensors informing about the proximity of the second device are necessary), there could be more devices and do not have to be the same type - so you can connect the MacBook and Watch into one screen, although I am not sure for what purpose.

Patents, however, have the feature that they protect an idea against copying, but the solutions described in them do not necessarily go to a product intended for the market. For now, we know that Apple has an interesting idea for enlarging displays in case of any need. And, unfortunately, that's basically enough.

Apple patenting combining and Devices


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