Xiaomi shows us the interior of the new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro with great detail (Teardown)

The new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro has become one of the most desired smartphones of this beginning of the year. Whether for its large battery, its great performance or its spectacular 108MP camera, the new flagship of Xiaomi in its Pro version has not left anyone indifferent.

Now, after running out in just 55 seconds in its first launch for sale in China , Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new flagship with great detail. Its double stereo speaker, the large size of its 108MP photo sensor or its 5G modem are some of the hardware components that we will see below.

Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro, the beast that is positioned as the best smartphone in photography, sound and performance

Once the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is opened, the brand shows us as the back of the smartphone, that is, on its cover, there are two rubber panels whose main objective is none other than to absorb shock in the event of a fall .

Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. Xiaomi Addicted News

For its part, the first thing we find in the main body of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is its NFC coil and its wireless charging base . In addition, from this same image you can see the large size of its thermoconductive graphite plate in order to improve cooling.

Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. Xiaomi Addicted News

Stereo speakers of the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro.

At each end of the new Xiaomi flagship, we found two stereo speakers housed in a large 1.22cc sound cavity. It should be noted that this sound cavity is larger than the one found in the Xiaomi Mi 10.

After removing the graphite cover we can see the large battery that is housed inside the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. A total of 4,500mAh that occupy practically the entire height of the terminal. To its left we find the main board or motherboard where all the hardware components are housed.

Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. Xiaomi Addicted News

In addition, as we can see in the image above, the 108MP photographic sensor shows us its large size compared to the rest of the sensors . Also, under these we can see the laser focus sensor and the LED Flash.

Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. Xiaomi Addicted News

In its front part and located in the small hole of its screen, the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro incorporates a 20MP selfie camera . Note that this sensor has been specially developed and designed to occupy the minimum possible space.

The next thing that we find inside the Xiaomi flagship is its «L» motherboard covered in copper and graphite sheets in order to improve heat dissipation. It integrates practically all the main hardware such as different connection chips or LPDDR5 RAM , UFS 3.0 storage or the powerful Snapdragon 865 .

Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. Xiaomi Addicted News

In addition, the motherboard connects via FPC to a second board where the various chips in charge of the NFC or the screen controller itself are housed. Likewise, in this secondary board there is a chip specialized in wireless charging capable of improving its performance.

Finally, Xiaomi shows us the large heat dissipation plate of the VC type (Steam Chamber). This has an area of ​​no less than 3,000 mm2 and works in turn synchronously with a large number of intelligent temperature sensors located along the motherboard.

Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. Xiaomi Addicted News Xiaomi shows us the interior of its new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro. Xiaomi Addicted News

Source | Weibo

The Xiaomi entry shows us the interior of the new Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro with great detail (Teardown) was first published on xiaomi: Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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