Ubisoft celebrates IEM 2020. Rainbow Six Siege for PLN 32 on PC, PLN 37 on consoles - the game will work on PS5 and XSX!

There has never been a better time to give Rainbow Six Siege a chance. The player community has exceeded 55 million registered accounts. Prizes in esports tournaments reach three million dollars. In addition, Siege will also work on new consoles: PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

Equal to three million dollars - that was the pot to win at this year's The Six Invitational for Rainbow Six Siege. The winning team of five won over a million American greens, fighting in virtual arenas as anti-terrorists. It's hard to find a better example of how alive the Siege community is, and also how great potential is still hidden in this title.

Rainbow Six Siege has undergone a metamorphosis: from the ugly duckling to the beautiful swan.

When the title debuted in 2015, it received a moderately warm welcome. Sales were lower than expected by the publisher. It might seem that we will soon forget about Rainbow Six Siege, and the title will disappear in the darkness of correct games, but without a divine spark. Ubisoft, however, did not surrender its new title. He rolled up his sleeves and turned it into a game-as-service, fulfilling a significant part of the demands of loyal customers.

Month by month, Ubisoft was introducing patches and new free content. Producers exchanged experiences with players, building a partnership relationship at a very close level. Thanks to this, the small but active Siege community has not forgotten about its online shooting. Quite the opposite: she remained faithful to her, despite the high-profile prime ministers on the horizon. Grassroots word of mouth has started to work in favor of Rainbow Six. A direct referral system between friends who encouraged others to give the title a chance.

A grass-roots recommendation system began to fuel the avalanche. A snowball effect was created. More and more players returned to Siege, until at some point the base of active users broke the one from the premiere period. The latest Rainbow Six began to grow at a moderate but steady and healthy pace, gaining more players, fans and fanatics. The title has become fashionable on Twitch and YouTube. At the same time, Ubisoft cooperated with ESL, seeing great eSports potential.

Today, Rainbow Six Siege is more popular than ever. We are talking about TOP10 on Steam.

Ubisoft boasts as many as 55 million registered players. Throughout January 2020, the title recorded 20 percent. increase of active users on Steam. Data from the same platform indicate that Rainbow Six Siege always plays at least 70 - 80 thousand. people. A great result that embeds the online shooter of Ubisoft in the TOP10 most popular titles on the Steam platform.

Rainbow Six Siege has become more popular than titles such as Rust, Team Fortrees 2 or Destiny 2. Only two online FPS can boast of more active players at the same time. It's PUBG and CS: GO. Siege closes the great trinity of online shooters, with results showing permanent growth within the community. Amazing for a production with five years on the back of the neck and a poor premiere.

Now the same Rainbow Six Siege is up for modest 3 nozzles .

The tactical shooter in the Ubisoft Store currently costs PLN 32. For that we will grab the basic version of the game. However, paying PLN 40, we get a shooter together with all sixteen additional operators released in the first and second year of the game's existence. Including two fictitious members of our national group GROM.

  • Rainbow Six Siege - PLN 32
  • Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Edition (16 additional operators) - PLN 40
  • Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition (16 operators + Year 5 pass) - PLN 99
  • A collection of discounted skins for weapons and operators

On the other hand, if you care about the latest content, the Golden Edition looks interesting at PLN 99. This consists of a full game, sixteen additional operators and the latest pass for the entire fifth year of competition. The first season of Year 5 starts in March 2020. So we are dealing with a timely offer that sets us up for the next 12 months.

If you prefer to play on consoles, Rainbow Six Siege is also up for grabs at attractive prices. On PlayStation 4, the online shooter in the basic version costs PLN 37. The Microsoft Store for Xbox One, in turn, shows PLN 36. What's great, in both cases we get not only the basic version of the game, but also sixteen operators from the first two years. Including GROM operators.

Rainbow Six Siege is a project for many years to come. The game will be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Ubisoft is one of the first publishers to reveal that it intends to prepare its game for the next generation of consoles. Rainbow Six Siege will appear on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in an improved version - the resolution will probably be increased and the frame rate increased. This does not mean, however, that we have to buy the game for the second time. Both PS5 and XSX will benefit from backward compatibility.

Ubisoft will want to earn money on subsequent season passes, without parting with Rainbow Six Siege for years to come. Although the online shootout has already had five springs on its neck, it is experiencing its second youth. It is more popular than ever, and its existence during the new generation of consoles has been announced and assured. From this perspective, current promotion is a great opportunity to discover what the growing phenomenon of Siege is about.

  • Rainbow Six Siege in the Ubisoft Store

* The material was created in cooperation with the Ubisoft brand

Ubisoft celebrates IEM 2020. Rainbow Six Siege for PLN 32 on PC, PLN 37 on consoles - the game will work on PS5 and XSX!


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