It s worth buying the Samsung Galaxy S20 in advance for these headphones. This is Galaxy Buds +

Let the nations everywhere know that Samsung is not a goose, that they have their AirPods. Here are the new Galaxy Buds +.

Last year's Galaxy Buds headphones were a very pleasant surprise. After buying AKG, Samsung really applied the audio issue, which was best proved by Budsy. Small, light, playing well, very reasonably priced - what more could you want?

It turns out that Samsung can squeeze the last juices out of wireless fleas.

Here is Samsung Galaxy Buds +

The new headphones visually are almost no different from the old ones. They are still tiny, light, closed in a case that easily fits in any pocket.

The changes can only be seen when we look inside the headphones.

Galaxy Buds + - price

Two drivers are responsible for listening to the sound - woofer and tweeter.

In addition, Samsung has equipped Budsy + with a set of three microphones - two outside and one inside the device. Unfortunately, they are not used to actively reduce noise (although they probably could), which makes Galaxy Buds + compete with AirPods rather than with AirPods Pro. So why these microphones?

Galaxy Buds Plus

Well, to ensure the clearest telephone conversations. External microphones are used to pick up ambient noises and cut them out of the conversation. Headphones can also use them to pump ambient sounds inside the skull, which is especially valuable for hearing impaired people, but it is also useful e.g. at the airport or train station - we will not miss messages, even if we have headphones in our ears.

The arrangement of two speakers and three microphones is supposed to translate into an even better sound than in Galaxy Buds from last year. However, this is hard to determine until we get Buds + for testing.

Galaxy Buds Plus

From the user's perspective, the most important change will be improved working time on one charge.

The headphones themselves can work without charging up to 11 hours, and the case allows you to recharge them once, which in total gives 22 hours away from the socket.

Of course, Galaxy Buds + can be charged wirelessly, using for example the new Samsung Galaxy S20 or Galaxy Z Flip and their Wireless Power Share function. Headphones need to be charged for 3 minutes to enjoy working hours.

Samsung also spoke something from Apple, which AirPods can connect to any device on which we are logged in through Apple ID. And so, in Galaxy Buds +, all we have to do is log in to the Samsung Cloud account (on the tablet, phone or Galaxy Watch), and the headphones connect to the devices without having to pair again.

Galaxy Buds Plus

Unlike AirPods, which work with Android to a limited extent, Samsung Galaxy Buds + will also work with iPhones and iPads without any problem - the Galaxy Wearable app is enough.

The headphones will be available in three colors, somewhat matching the new Galaxy S20 - black, white and blue (it's a pity that there is no gray version that matches the prettiest color of new smartphones).

We will be able to buy them on February 14, for 149 euros.

At the time of writing, we do not know the price in zlotys yet, but I bet that it will not exceed PLN 650.

What's more, buying the new Galaxy S20 in pre-order in the Samsung store we will get Galaxy Buds + for free. So if you hesitate about ordering your phone before others - it's worth it. Galaxy Buds + is a must-have accessory. Especially for a phone that has no headphone connector.

It's worth buying the Samsung Galaxy S20 in advance for these headphones. This is Galaxy Buds +


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