One more foldable Samsung? Galaxy Z is to be a smartphone folded in two places

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, the upcoming "flip" smartphone may not be the only new product of its kind. How about a double-folded Samsung with a large screen?

An image of the office has appeared on the Chinese Weibo site . It wouldn't be surprising if it wasn't for the graphics on one of the monitors. We see it on a smartphone with a bent screen in two places. The device is folded in the shape of the letter "Z" and the signature at the top is "Galaxy Z".

samsung galaxy with foldable smartphone

It is worth noting that the system visible on the monitor is DeX known from Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Can this leak be real?

Slashleaks evaluates the credibility of the photo at only 38 percent. It is possible that this is just a joyful graphic creation, but the Z-folding device has a chance to hit the market, because several companies are already working on this solution.

During the TCL conference at last year's IFA in Berlin, I saw on stage a presentation of the first smartphone sold under the TCL brand, i.e. the Plex model. Immediately after it, the company's representatives showed the direction in which they would like to go. Pictures of folded smartphones appeared on the scene, including one in which the screen folds into the shape of the letter "Z". It was a suggestion that the research and development department is already testing such a solution. There was also a movie showing the prototype of the TCL double-folded smartphone.

Another example showed Xiaomi, which on Twitter boasted a conceptual model folded in two places. The equipment does not fold into the "Z" shape, but also has two hinges. For now, this is only a project, but despite this Xiaomi decided to share it in public.

A double-folded smartphone could be found in Samsung's offer.

There are two reasons for this. First of all, Samsung is one of the few manufacturers who actually launched a foldable smartphone, namely Galaxy Fold. Koreans have already gained a lot of experience, especially after initial problems with endurance.

Secondly, all the signs in the sky and earth indicate that already on February 11 we will see another Samsung folding smartphone, i.e. the Galaxy Z Flip. It is to be a smartphone reminiscent of Motorola Razr presented last year.

According to earlier rumors, Samsung was to show two folded smartphones in 2020. The first will be Galaxy Z Flip . Can the second be a double-folded Galaxy Z? I would see such a device as the successor of Galaxy Fold. After unfolding the screen, we would get an even larger, real tablet surface, so it would be a perfect development of the idea behind Fold.

samsung galaxy fold as tablet

At the same time, Samsung would fix Fold's main problem, which was the small front screen. In Galaxy Z, the entire front of a composite smartphone would be a screen, as in classic smartphones.

For now, it is difficult to assess the reliability of graphics from the Weibo website, but it seems that similar solutions are already being tested behind closed doors of technological giants. It is not excluded that such smartphones will appear on the market later this year.

One more foldable Samsung? Galaxy Z is to be a smartphone folded in two places


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