The first Nikon mirrorless camera with the APS-C matrix promises to be great. I am waiting for such a camera

Although full-frame cameras attract the attention of the market, smaller and cheaper constructions are not going anywhere. Nikon is planning a new mirrorless camera with an APS-C matrix. It looks very interesting.

"Full frames" have been changed by all cases over the past several months. After a series of extremely interesting premieres, the market for full-frame mirrorless cameras has become quite crowded. And although cameras of this format are tempting, not every enthusiast of photography wants or can spend about 10 thousand. for equipment.

Fortunately, cheaper segments, mainly APS-C, are not going anywhere. On the contrary. It looks like Nikon is planning to build APS-C mirrorless cameras as part of its new Nikon Z bayonet.

The first Nikon mirrorless camera with the APS-C matrix looks great.

nikon aps-c mirrorless

Nikon filed a patent application , which shows a detailed diagram of the new camera. The camera has a very compact design, quite reminiscent of the Sony A6000-A6500 mirrorless cameras. However, there are many differences that at first glance favor the Nikon camera.

nikon aps-c mirrorless

First of all, the grip looks bigger and deeper, thanks to which the camera should lie better in the hand even with a larger lens. Secondly, Nikon is equipped with two main setting wheels, both front and rear, which is a big difference with Sony. For this we have a circle of settings at the top (probably a circle of modes), a lever below it and a fairly standard set of buttons at the top and back. It is worth emphasizing the presence of two function buttons at the front of the dipstick.

nikon aps-c mirrorless

The back wall is largely occupied by the screen. There is no optical viewfinder in the design, but you can suspect that Nikon is working on a retractable viewfinder, such as the Sony RX100 series. On the upper wall you can see that next to the hot shoe there are two (probably movable) elements, probably a retractable viewfinder and a flash.

It looks great. However, there will be several obstacles.

If the new Nikon shown in the diagrams really arises, it will mean a few things. From the manufacturer's point of view, this will be a move that in the long run can be a consequence for SLRs. The cheaper part of the APS-C segment has been spinning around for years and there is no search for innovation there. New mirrorless cameras would bring a breath of freshness.

From the user's point of view, the beginning will not be easy. The camera will certainly be more expensive than the corresponding SLR camera. Initially, you will also feel shortages of Nikon Z system lenses, and especially such dedicated APS-C matrixes. You will definitely be able to connect to the camera full-frame Nikon Z lenses, as well as Nikon F bayonet glasses in front of the appropriate adapters, but in both cases this solution will be large, and therefore unergonomic.

So we get to the point. If such a camera is created, it will be for Nikon the beginning of a new, long and quite tedious road. However, I hope that Nikon will decide on the premiere. To this day I feel sorry for the would-be Nikon DL compacts. On the other hand, Nikon 1 mirrorless cameras were a bad idea, due to the too small matrix. The new APS-C series looks right on. Let Nikon not lack courage this time.

The first Nikon mirrorless camera with the APS-C matrix promises to be great. I am waiting for such a camera


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