LG and Sony, learn. Vizio is just introducing AirPlay 2 and HomeKit to TV from three years ago

vizio airplay 2 homekit

For the first time since time immemorial Apple's software solutions go to devices from other manufacturers. You use the opportunity to get consumers to exchange their equipment for new ones. Well, unless we talk about Vizio.

AirPlay 2 is an Apple-developed format for streaming media between devices. Unfortunately, until recently it was not possible to use AirPlay to play something on the TV - without Apple TV, do not start. The iPhone manufacturer fortunately changed his mind and opened AirPlay 2 a little, allowing other companies to implement this solution in their products.

This is not the end. Apple provides HomeKita with similar rules, ie the proprietary format for exchanging data between smart home devices and the Apple TV client application - although Samsung has the exclusive exclusive time for TV makers.

So TV manufacturers are using. Vizio is just introducing AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support for TV sets from 2016 and newer.

vizio airplay 2 homekit

Users of these TVs may start to slowly wait for the appropriate software update. However, I advise against checking the availability of a new version of the firmware - Vizio announces that the process of updating all models may take a while. And what are these models?

Support for AirPlay 2 and HomeKit will go to the following Vizio TVs:

  • SmartCast line from 2016
  • Quantum P series from 2018 and 2019.
  • Series P from 2017, 2018 and 2019.
  • M series from 2017, 2018 and 2019.
  • E Series from 2017, 2018 and 2019.
  • Series D from 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Applause for Vizio. The rest should take an example. And LG and Sony are almost ashamed.

TV manufacturers are like mobile phone manufacturers. Most of them always believe that the cost of introducing and testing software updates to already sold devices is an unprofitable investment. It is better to persuade customers to buy a new receiver, and only offer minor improvements and patches to existing customers.

That is why AirPlay 2 and HomeKit are introduced mainly to this year's models, selected producers with great grace will also introduce them to last year's. And Sony and LG do not even plan to introduce support for Apple's formats to other devices than the new ones, just appearing in stores. Although both solutions are programmatic, they do not require additional hardware modules.

Shame. And the sick situation, in which the normal treatment of the client falls out to someone - here Vizio - applaud.

LG and Sony, learn. Vizio is just introducing AirPlay 2 and HomeKit to TV from three years ago


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