iOS 13 will allow you to transfer data between two iPhones using a cable

The iOS 13 system will be full of new features that Apple did not boast about during the opening presentation of WWDC 2019. One of them is the ability to connect two iPhones together via a cable.

This year's edition of the Worldwide Developers Conference has brought us many surprises. The most important of these is the introduction of a dark interface mode in iPhones and iPads, and the separation of the iPadOS from iOS.

Apple's mobile devices were finally finally available after years of waiting for support for viewing the contents of external memory plugged directly into the port on the device. This is not the only new way to use physical connectors.

iOS 13 will allow you to transfer data between two telephones using a cable.

Until now, users who configured a new iOS device or wanted to restore the backup after the device was restored to factory settings had limited room for maneuver. There were only a few options.

One of the ways to restore data to clean equipment is to use a computer. The previously backed up data can be uploaded to your phone or tablet using iTunes software.

People who do not want to use computer mediation can use backup in the iCloud cloud.

This is a convenient solution, but on condition that the client has access to an efficient internet connection. In addition, over the years there has been an option of wireless transfer of selected data from one device to another after logging in on both the same Apple ID.

It seems, however, that iOS 13 will introduce a completely new way of transferring data between devices. The icon found in the system files of the new version of the software for iPhones indicates the option of transferring data from a smartphone to a smartphone using a cable.

iOS 13 wired transfer

The icon presents one device with Face ID and one equipment with Touch ID, which are connected by a cable.

It announces the option of direct data transfer bypassing both the local backup on the personal computer and the iCloud cloud, without resorting to wireless data transmission, which can be much slower than the cable connection.

In addition to the picture above, the iOS 13 code includes messages prepared for such a function. The manufacturer asks them that users do not disconnect one device from another for the time of data transfer and have made sure that there is a power supply - probably with the use of a wireless charger.

It is worth noting, however, that at this moment the function is not yet active in iPhones currently being sold, updated to the test edition of iOS 13. The sale also does not include cables that would have a Lightning connector on both sides.

It is possible that this will be a novelty for this year's phones, which will finally get USB-C ports. Cables with such a tip on one side and a Lightning connector can be bought now. At the moment, however, it is only speculation.

iOS 13 will allow you to transfer data between two iPhones using a cable


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