You uninstall the application and the cashier flies on. Apple solves this problem in iOS 13 and iPadOS

In the second beta version of iOS 13 and iPadOS a very useful feature appeared. After removing the application for which we regularly pay, we will be asked if we want to continue the subscription.

The mechanism is very simple. After removing the application, we will see a window with the question:

Do you want to subscribe to this application? Your subscription APPLICATION NAME can still be used on other devices. It will be automatically renewed DD.MM.YYYY if you do not cancel it the day before.

We have two options to choose from - going to the subscription management menu, where we can find their list and the possibility of canceling individual subscriptions or leaving the existing fees unchanged.

Comfortable and, I must admit, honest.

I use many applications on my iOS and macOS devices for which I pay a subscription. Netflix, Google Drive, NaviExpert, Bear - these are just a few examples of them.

The list of current and past subscriptions on the App Store over the years of buying applications in it has grown to several dozen items. The trend is that more often, and not less often, I prefer to pay a subscription than to use free services that will not necessarily meet my expectations.

iPadOS and iOS 13 bring many useful things.

For more than a week I have been using iPadOS on the iPad Pro and although still - as in the beta - many functions do not work properly, the changes that bring significantly improve the comfort of using the Apple tablet.

From the perspective of several days of using the iPadOS, I am more pleased with small changes, such as the subscription information described above or the free keyboard mode allowing convenient one-hand operation, or dark mode, than big news in the form of extensive multitasking or file management in

Apple can refine the details of its software, a good example of which is another - it would seem a trifle - gestures for copying and pasting text.

In a moment I will read in the comments that Apple is a hundred years behind the competition and copies the previously introduced solutions.

Whenever, however, I delight in such details, as described in the beginning, the more I am resistant to such argumentation. I know - a note, a radical thesis - that no other mobile operating system will give me a more pleasant experience when using it, and the synergy between systems for smartphones and tablets, and the desktop or watch is unrivaled.

Apple may lose in terms of the number of features with Android, but when you use many of its various devices, it's not easy to change to the theoretically better Google system. This is the power of the ecosystem, so often ridiculed by Google's service fans.

PS. Yes, I also use Google Drive, but my main cloud is iCloud.

You uninstall the application and the cashier flies on. Apple solves this problem in iOS 13 and iPadOS


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