Xiaomi CC: A new range born from the union of Xiaomi and Meitu. We tell you all the details

As we had announced yesterday Xiaomi and Meitu , today has become official " Xiaomi CC ", a new range of smartphones that will reach the market thinking of young people , also characterized by its great photographic quality.

To start presenting this new range, we have to go back to 2018, the year in which the Meitu company announced the cessation of its smartphone manufacturing process to be Xiaomi who will be responsible for this process in addition to the design. This move benefited Xiaomi greatly thanks to the fact that she was able to access Meitu's numerous artificial smart patents and photo retouching.

Since then, it has not been until today when both brands have announced through Weibo the new era where the Xiaomi CC range is born as a result of this union. A new range that, as Lei Jun has told us, will focus on meeting the needs of young people .

How will the Xiaomi CC range be?

To get rid of doubts, Lei Jun, CEO and founder of Xiaomi, explained in detail through the Weibo social network, how the smartphones of the new Xiaomi CC range will be.

This could be the Xiaomi CC. A smartphone with a rotating camera.

This could be the Xiaomi CC. A smartphone with a rotating camera.

In particular, the manager makes special mention that the design team of Xiaomi CC will be formed by qualified designers in fine arts and professionals of the sector. In addition, the manager adds that the goal of the brand is to reach young people, hence its name Xiaomi CC that comes to be something like a group " Chic & Cool ".

In addition, Lei Jun tells us that Xiaomi CC should be a flagship for young people , combining a spectacular design that appeals for its color and shape, as well as a smartphone that stands out for its great photographic quality and its ease of sharing online content.

If you do not want to miss all the news of the new Xiaomi CC , you can join our Telegram group: @XiaomiCC

Undoubtedly, it is clear that this new range will be centered on the photographic section , combining high quality sensors and relying on artificial intelligence to retouch photographs that Meitu was so admired. All integrated into a smartphone of a youthful design.

via | Weibo

The entrance Xiaomi CC: A new range is born fruit of the union of Xiaomi and Meitu. We tell you all the details were first published in xiaomist.com: Web news and news Xiaomi in general, we are Xiaomi .


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