This will change the search results. Google focuses on diversity

Soon, the presentation of the query response in Google Search will change significantly. Do you associate those grouped on the top of the results of links from one domain? This view will be improved.

Developers of sites fighting for good SEO in the recently introduced changes in the Google Search algorithm are still optimizing their code in the fight for the reader, and meanwhile, Google announced further changes. This time more important for us than for webdesigners themselves. The presentation of search results will change quite significantly.

As Google explains in its series of entries on Twitter, the changes we will discuss immediately follow from the feedback that the company receives from its users. We do not like the presentation of several articles on a given topic from this one, according to the Search Engine of the best website. So Google will significantly reduce this grouping for presenting results from other websites.

Limited grouping of search results in Google Search.

Until now, the Search Engine presented, as in the screenshot below, several grouped sub-accounts from a given domain, which seems to make sense. Since this is supposedly the best site on a given topic, it's no wonder that the tool wants to offer us the best articles from it. This mechanism will not disappear completely, although it will be significantly limited.

google search engine grouping

As Google explains, not counting the exceptional cases in which it will be extremely necessary, the grouping will be limited to two sub-accounts from the top domain chosen by the algorithm. This is to increase the variety of search results , as Google explains. Translating from marketing to human: thanks to this, not only SEO masters have the chance to be noticed by the search engine user. More evenly distributed traffic is a (business) benefit for everyone.

Changes will happen not soon.

Google informs that the change of view is independent of June 2019 Core Update, which has awakened from the lethargy of SEO optimizers. And since it is a separate entity, it should be presumed that its implementation will take a similar amount of time. And this in turn seems to suggest that the majority of users will get a new view in just a few or even several weeks.

This will change the search results. Google focuses on diversity


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