Finally it is. The new Mac Pro is a beast among desktops

After many years of waiting and many disappointed expectations, Apple finally showed the new Mac Pro.

Apple in the pro users segment has deteriorated. The previous Mac Pro did not have the best reception on the market, and the project reminiscent of a trash bin turned out to be very limiting and in fact unadapted to the realities of professionals' work. iMac Pro? Great, but it's still not a real desktop. Time for the main course.

The new Mac Pro returns to the classic housing.

The Mac Pro goes back to the classic case for a typical PC. The metal body from the front and back is finished with a perforated finish slightly resembling a cheese grater. There is also an interesting system of opening the case and ... optional wheels on which the PC can stand.

However, the interior is more important. Apple focuses on modularity and the possibility of extending subassemblies. The heart of the Mac Pro will be the new Intel Xeon processors with 28 cores that will be able to work at full power without worrying about the thermal performance of the computer. The equipment will handle up to (attention) 1.5 TB of RAM.

* The entry is being updated.

Finally it is. The new Mac Pro is a beast among desktops


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