It s dark, getting darker. Google Calendar and Keep with an update to the dark theme

google keep calendar dark theme

The Keep client and Google Calendar client apps are just getting the update that introduces them to support the dark theme. It will be beautifully integrated with Android Q, but now we can try it out.

From today on, next Android phones will send an update to Google Keep and Google Calendar. In addition to minor corrections, they will introduce dark theme support to these applications. This one will be officially introduced only in Android Q, but on older versions, this dark theme in applications can be started manually.

The distinction between light mode and dark mode is one of the biggest innovations in the upcoming new version of Android. It is true that some phone manufacturers have already introduced support for themes on their own, but it worked only on the shell of the system itself, regardless of the applications running. With the help of Android Q, the applications will be informed what interface theme is set, so that these will be able to automatically adjust to it.

For now, however, the dark mode in Google Keep and Google Calendar must be enabled manually.

google keep calendar dark theme

If the update of both applications has already reached you - unfortunately, not yet - this is the dark mode you should see in the settings of both applications (in the Calendar section General -> Themes , in Keepie, the theme settings are immediately in the main menu). Both applications will match the theme to the one set in Android Q.

google keep calendar dark theme

The dark theme in Google Calendar works on Android Nougat or newer, and in Keepie on Android Lollipop or newer. In addition, Google Calendar can automatically go dark when the system tells you when the device's battery is low.

Google claims that Google Keep and Google Calendar updates should reach all users by the end of the month.

Someone got you?

It's dark, getting darker. Google Calendar and Keep with an update to the dark theme


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