The new FedEx courier is ... a robot. SameDay Bot in action

The biggest problem of the supply chain is the so-called last mile, that is, the way the parcel goes directly before delivery to the customer. FedEx wants to solve it with an autonomous robot.

FedEx SameDay Bot looks inconspicuous, but can easily move around the city.

Using radar, it detects objects and avoids collisions.

It can overcome steep climbs.

They are not terrible holes in the way.

The prototype was not tested on Polish roads holes.

Smaller front wheels help him climb the stairs.

The robot can travel at a maximum speed of 16 km / h. He has to ride on the sidewalk, where the main obstacle will be pedestrians. To avoid direct contact with their shoes, the robot will use radar technology known from autonomous cars.

However, these will not be public pavements, but those inside the FedEx headquarters in Memphis. The robot tests start there. With its help, employees will transfer packages between the buildings. If everything goes well, the robot can reach partners who will use it to deliver purchases to customers.

60 percent customers live less than 5 km from the Walmart store or the Pizza Hut restaurant.

That is why companies such as those mentioned above may be interested in including the bot into their own fleet. Delivery at small distances seems to be an ideal scenario for its use. Other companies also join the game.


The German transport company DHL works on a similar project. In Katowice Spodek we saw their autonomous car that is able to follow a man. DHL does not, however, release him to the streets. For now, the robot is helping the employees of the company who transport the goods inside the warehouse.

Amazon is also working on its own fleet of robotic suppliers. However, regulations may be an obstacle to their popularization. Already, the authorities of San Francisco - a city that very often becomes a testing ground for innovation, stipulate that robots can only move in designated places, not in the whole city.

The own delivery vehicle also tests the Starship startup. Its design is definitely more compact compared to the FedEx robot.

A month ago, Starship boasted that its vehicles have already delivered 25,000. shipments around the world. It's still very little, because packages count in billions. According to McKinsley, in developed markets, the number of parcels to be delivered in the next 10 years will increase twice , e.g. in Germany to 5 billion, and in the United States to 25 billion.

The new FedEx courier is ... a robot. SameDay Bot in action


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