When doing a selfie you will have to be careful not to pick your eye - Samsung wants to put the camera in the stylus

Samsung may be the first producer to come up with a new way for the smartphone's front camera. Without notes, drops, holes, sliding chimneys and sliders.

For several years, all smartphone manufacturers have been pursuing the same goal, which seems to be the ultimate smartphone project. Speaking of the device, without frames. The entire front surface is simply a screen.

Manufacturers want to achieve such a look, but we do not have the right technique to achieve it yet. The problem is the front camera, which must somehow be in the construction. No producer decides to show the smartphone without it. Not in the era of Instagram Stories, ubiquitous selfie photos and widescreen video calls.

Samsung can solve the problem with the front camera by using a stylus.

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Samsung in the Galaxy Note series usually tries to smuggle unusual technological solutions. Once the mere presence of a large screen was enough to shock. Currently, this stylus is the most unusual solution.

In the latest installment of the series, Note 9, the stylus acts as a remote control for the presentation or for triggering images. This is possible thanks to Bluetooth connectivity and a small battery that is charged inductively as soon as we hide the stylus in the smartphone cover.

Since the stylus already has its own battery, wireless connectivity and inductive charging, why not put a camera in it?

Such an idea can be seen on the Samsung patent application . Interestingly, Samsung lodged villages as early as 2017, but only now has obtained a patent for such a solution.

The camera would be placed on the opposite side to the tip of the stylus. What's more, the shape of the S Pen would allow the use of a zoom lens, because there would be plenty of space for the movement of the lenses.

Thus, the shape of the smartphone could achieve the ideal that the entire market aims at. A large screen with slightly outlined frames on the sides could finally become a reality.

The camera in the stylus would have to be somewhat compromise.

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Its size would be smaller than today, so the image quality would probably be worse. In addition, there would be a problem with video calls, because the stylus would have to be placed at eye level to comfortably conduct such conversations. These are not problems that could not be solved. None of them looks like a disqualifying obstacle.

The advantages are large. The ability to separate the camera and smartphone screen would give unprecedented creative possibilities. And what about privacy? When the stylus was hidden on the smartphone, the camera would be pointed at our hand. It seems to be a much safer option than an eye staring into the face. Of course, with paranoids such a construction would raise concerns about miniaturization and new possibilities of spying on other people.

It is not known whether Samsung will opt for such a stylus, but I hope that we will see such a gadget. If not at the premiere of Note 10, then maybe at Note 11.

The idea sounds very futuristic, and implementing it in the life of Samsung would play on the nose of competitors. Today, Rysik is very rare on the smartphone market, and actually only Samsung is constantly developing this idea. Using it as a base for the camera would be a natural step in the development of S Pen and a very interesting gadget for electronics fans.

When doing a selfie you will have to be careful not to pick your eye - Samsung wants to put the camera in the stylus


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