The Samsung Galaxy S10e looks intriguing

For the first time, we can see how the Samsung Galaxy S10e will look - a smaller and cheaper version of the top line, which will additionally have a flat screen. She is really pretty!

We already know almost everything about the big Samsung Galaxy S10 and S10 Plus. The text with the summary of the latest leaks was prepared today by Łukasz Kotkowski . Now, however, for the first time we see a smaller model, which also promises to be interesting.

Samsung Galaxy S10e is a smaller and cheaper variant.

samsung galaxy s10e

The smaller Samsung Galaxy S10 is presented as "S10e", although it's hard for me to believe that this will be the final name of this smartphone. It is possible that at this stage it is only the product code.

We know, however, that the smartphone is to have a completely flat screen with a diagonal of 5.8 inches. The design is very similar to the Samsung Galaxy A8S, although the opening of the camera is moved to the right side, and the frames are definitely thinner. It looks really aesthetically pleasing, and some of our editorial team claims that it is even a nicer design than the large S10 variants.

When it comes to components, the Samsung Galaxy S10e is supposed to have 6 GB RAM and 128 GB of data memory, so we have the same set here as in the aforementioned Galaxy A8S. We do not know the processor yet, so we do not know if the smaller Galaxy S10 will not be more efficient than the larger brothers. It is worth noting, however, that the Galaxy A8S uses Snapdragon 710, and so far the S series has always had better components from the A series.

samsung galaxy s10e

The battery will have a capacity of 3100 mAh, which is quite a small value for a screen with a diagonal of 5.8 inches. The construction will run out of mini jack connectors. A big surprise is the layout of the buttons, because it looks like we will not find the Bixby assistant button. For many people it will be very good news. On the other hand, it may mean that the Galaxy S10e will have bad software for larger brothers.

samsung galaxy s10e

The third lens of the main camera will be a certain lack. Galaxy S10e will be equipped with a dual module, so you probably will not find an ultra-wide angle lens here. You will not find a fingerprint reader under the camera. Earlier leaks talked about the reader hidden in the side button, but on renders it is very small. This suggests using a reader under the screen.

Samsung Galaxy S10e is to be a lot cheaper than larger models.

samsung galaxy s10e

According to the leaks, the price is to be 749 euros, which gives slightly more than 3,200 zlotys. A lot? Not in 2019. I am convinced that the S10 and S10 Plus models will be much more expensive.

The Samsung Galaxy S10e looks very intriguing. The model promises to be as interesting as the bigger brothers, although it will certainly tempt another type of customer. Not everyone likes the curved edges, and for a long time we have not seen the model of a flat line with a flat screen. I feel that the Galaxy S10e may be a hit.

The Samsung Galaxy S10e looks intriguing


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