Repairing Windows will be easier. The system will tell you what s wrong with it

windows insider problem

"Error number 0x80240439 occurred. To delete it, check KB58037. We wish you a nice day". It seems that the end of gibberish understood only for sysadmins and enthusiasts.

I think that anyone who had a Windows device longer, sooner or later came across a software error. For an unusual situation with which the system did not manage or simply an evident error in the software. Windows, however, is not helpful in solving the problem, despite its numerous built-in diagnostic modules.

System designers have assumed for the last decades that if someone is taking care of the computer, he probably knows it. That is why error messages look like on the model below:

windows 10 error message

The annotations on the mock-up were made by one of the company's employees, on the occasion of the announcement of changes in Windows. They indicate elements that for most users of this system will be incomprehensible. Not everyone, quite rightly, must know what the hell is Microsoft's Knowledge Base.

Error message Windows 10 written in human language.

After updating Windows 10 to version 1903, of course, we have much less to encounter any error messages, but if they do occur, they will look different. Instead of gibberish with error numbers in the hexadecimal system and knowledge base articles to stimulate word processing, the system itself will process the error code and will write a more understandable message for the user.

windows 10 error message

The system will indicate a specific problem and will either suggest specific actions, or at least provide an address and clickable link to the knowledge article if the situation is too complicated to illustrate in a simple wizard. This means that instead of going to the internet search engine, we will be able to start repairing right away. Or at least tell a friend who knows, where exactly there would be a problem and if he could help us.

The novelty will be introduced gradually. For now, it will appear in only one module.

For years, Microsoft has legitimately considered the company client to be the main Windows user. Therefore, it assumes that the device used by the user is under the control of the administrator, who knows how to deal with the error numbers and descriptions from the knowledge base. Now, finally, just after a few decades, he remembers less competent individual users.

Microsoft intends to be very cautious about changing the language in which the system communicates with the user. Therefore, for the time being, the only place where we will possibly see new error messages will be the Windows 10 development update installer. After analyzing the user's reactions, they are to reach other, more relevant elements of the system. Although we do not know exactly when.

Repairing Windows will be easier. The system will tell you what's wrong with it


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