The top two positions in the DxO rankings are Huawei, but DxO becomes a caricature


DxO finally tested the camera on the Huawei Mate 20 Pro smartphone. There are no major surprises: the equipment took first place in the table. Unfortunately, the service is again compromised by the methodology of its measurements.

Huawei Mate 20 Pro, one of the best last year's photo-smartphones, has been rated by DxO Mark . The smartphone took first place in the ranking, equalizing the Huaweia P20 Pro result.

The testers appreciated the effect of a telephoto lens, good exposure selection and good control over noise, also in low light. Added to this is good stabilization and autofocus in the video.

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It's difficult to disagree with the general assessment of the website. Huawei Mate 20 Pro made a great impression on me , as I wrote in the review of the camera of this smartphone.

The triple camera in Huawei for the first time uses a system of three lenses with different focal lengths, which gives great freedom of action. In addition to the standard lens, we have a telephoto lens and ultra wide angle lens. Such a set will work great not only on a daily basis, but also in more demanding situations, such as travel. A smartphone such as Mate 20 Pro can be the only camera on holiday for most people, and photos will have great quality.

Unfortunately, once again, DxO can not keep up with the development of the smartphone market.

I have a great respect for the accuracy and repeatability of DxO tests, but the Huaweia Mate 20 Pro test shows that the service responds to new products with too much inertia.

Will you believe that the smartphone does not consider the ultra wide-angle lens? DxO has a great methodology to check the quality of telephoto shots, but has not developed standards to study the layout of three different lenses. As we read in the summary:

It is worth remembering that the Mate 20 Pro has a super wide angle lens that does not affect our result, but compared to the P20 Pro and other devices that do not have this feature, the lens offers more flexibility, which can be very important for many photographers.

To sum up, DxO did not rate 1/3 of the camera, but nevertheless gave it a rating. It is quite controversial to note that Mate 20 Pro received a de facto lower result than the P20 Pro , and yet it overtook it in the ranking. P20 pro scores 114 points for photos and 98 for videos. Mate 20 Pro got 114 and 97 points, respectively.

This is yet another example of the fact that synthetic DxO tests are becoming less and less reliable.

We saw the previous example on the occasion of the Google Pixel 3 test , which was treated very unfairly. DxO has not tested the most important smartphone function, i.e. Night Shift mode, which improves the quality of night pictures in an unprecedented way. As a result, Pixel 3 fell on average, although every user of this smartphone will be delighted with the camera.

Thus, the DxO ranking becomes less and less credible. The first two places now include Huawei smartphones, but can you believe it? And what will happen in the coming months when there will be more smartphones with three different focal lengths?

Such a set is to appear, among others in the Samsung Galaxy S10. If DxO does not test all the lenses, it will be a farce. In turn, if you test them in Samsung, the evaluation of the Huawei Mate 20 Pro will be unfair.

The top two positions in the DxO rankings are Huawei, but DxO becomes a caricature


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