Panasonic will not have time with 8K cameras for the Olympic Games, but it will show a cheap full frame

2018 was in full-frame photography, but a lot of new products will also appear in 2019. Panasonic announces a cheap full frame of the L system created together with Sigma and Leica.

Last year was full of excellent photographic premieres, especially on the high shelf. Veteran of the market, Sony, after the premiere of the very successful A7 III, finally got rivals. Canon and Nikon have shown new full frame camera systems without mirrors, but this is not the end of the news.

We are waiting for the announced Panasonic Lumix S1 and S1R devices all the time. These are the first bodies of the new full-frame system created jointly by Panasonic, Sigma and Leica around the bayonet L.

Panasonic has several aces in the sleeve. After the top Lumixes S1 and S1R, we will see the full frame in the entry-level version.

panasonic lumix s1, lumix s1r

There is no doubt that Lumixes S1 and S1R will be expensive, and even very expensive. The bodies are to be designed for the most demanding professional photographers. Both devices are to provide the highest class of seals, thanks to which they will be completely resistant to dust, water and very low temperatures. Both will also provide a much higher shutter life than 200,000. images that are standard in mirrorless cameras.

Panasonic , however , revealed that it does not intend to focus only on the highest shelf. After the premiere of the two top cameras, we will see a much cheaper entry-level model. This is very good news, because after the premiere series from the high shelf, we are all waiting for something more affordable. Especially if it is to be a full-frame bezlusterkowiec.

panasonic lumix s1, lumix s1r

However, this is not the end of news from Panasonic.

The Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 are to be the beginning of the 8K era.

Japan is the cradle of photography and additionally loves the latest technologies. We have known for the last two years that the government of Japan is doing everything to make the Olympics a technological gem. NHK Television, a Japanese public broadcaster, will broadcast the Olympic Games in 8K. The entire Olympic Games in Tokyo are to be recorded and broadcast in 8K resolution.

Japan was the only country where you could watch the 130 hours of the Summer Olympics in Rio 2016 at 8K resolution with a 22-channel sound. At that time, only in Japan, you could buy a 8K TV. Yes, one, because only the Sharp LV 85001 had a resolution of 8K and was available in regular sales.

The technological arms race has already begun. Samsung has launched the QLED 8K TV line, and at any time at CES in January, next manufacturers will show ready-made 8K TVs. There are also 8K tuners ready for the signal in this resolution.

Panasonic already knows that it will not be able to bring 8K cameras to the Tokyo Olympics.

Professional cameras with 8K resolution are no shortage on the market today, but the Olympics were to be an opportunity to spread this standard in consumer equipment from the top shelf. Panasonic as one of the first manufacturers began to use 4K resolution in its cameras, and later announced several times the transition to 8K. Unfortunately, the manufacturer will not make it before the Games. The first cameras with 8K recording will appear after 2020.

If someone throws a stone and says it does not make sense, he will not be right. 8K screens in 2020 certainly will not be a standard yet, but the image recorded in 8K gives great opportunities for postprocessing with the idea of ​​releasing it in 4K quality. Very powerful framing, lossless zoom, or cutting two frames from one shot is possible. You have to remember that the screens are now standard 4K, 4K camera so do not give any leeway to such cutouts.

Panasonic will not have time with 8K cameras for the Olympic Games, but it will show a cheap full frame


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