Multipla from Apple is back. The new Smart Battery Case for the iPhone is nicer and more expensive

Probably the ugliest product in Apple's history, the Smart Battery Case, is back. This time it is a bit nicer and ... clearly more expensive. And of course it works with new iPhones.

The Smart Battery Case was definitely not the most successful Apple product. When he debuted at the end of 2015, even Piotrek Grabiec described him as the first Apple product for years, which simply can not be looked at without pain . And in fact it was - an additional battery for the iPhone, integrated with the protective housing for the phone, looked terrible, and for that cost a lot .

For a moment, Apple kept his idea for an additional source of energy. In addition to the Smart Battery Case for the iPhone 6 and 6S, there is another version for the iPhone 7, and then the American company decided to pause. iPhone 8, as well as the iPhone X, did not get dedicated battery cases. Till this day.

Smart Battery Case returns in the version for XS, XS Max and XR. It's nicer and more expensive.

Alright - not much nicer, but it's always something. Instead of creating another camel , Apple decided to remodel his product a bit. A hump with an additional battery is now not placed more or less in the center of the additional housing - instead it has been moved downwards. To fall in love with it is still difficult, but at least it does not burn your eyes.

Although it's a bit embarrassing that the Apple store much better looks like a similar case other manufacturer - Mophie Juice Pack, unfortunately not available for the latest Apple phones.

Change is more than just visual changes. First of all, the new case allows wireless charging - both the phone and an additional battery. Fast loading is also supported. For the Smart Battery Case we can of course connect accessories using the Lightning connector, while the battery level will be seen on the lock screen and in the notification center.

After fully charged, before the next search for the outlet, we can get:

iPhone XS:

  • up to 33 hours of talks
  • up to 21 hours of work on the Internet
  • up to 25 hours of video playback

iPhone XS Max:

  • up to 37 hours of talks
  • up to 20 hours of work on the internet
  • up to 25 hours of video playback

iPhone XR:

  • up to 39 hours of talks
  • up to 22 hours of work on the Internet
  • up to 27 hours of video playback

For comparison, the iPhone XS without Smart Battery Case will allow up to 20 hours of talk time, up to 13 hours of online work and up to 14 hours of video playback. We gain 13 hours of talks, 9 hours of work on the Internet or 11 hours of video playback. For this result, you can probably experience a different look. I guess.

And what about the price?

The first version of the Smart Battery Case cost PLN 479, but it did not allow fast and wireless charging. The new generation of Smart Battery Case had to be so expensive and noticeably - we would pay exactly 619 PLN for it.

It does not matter if we buy the version for the iPhone XS , XS Max or XR , and whether we choose a white or black variety. They all cost exactly the same.

And from anecdotal rumors I know that even Piotr Grabiec is not planning to buy any of them. That is - as usually happens - a review on Spider's Web soon. You can order Smart Case now straight from the Apple store, with a delivery time of 1 business day.

Multipla from Apple is back. The new Smart Battery Case for the iPhone is nicer and more expensive


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