Xiaomi wonders about introducing laptops in gradient colors

Xiaomi posted on the Chinese social networking site Weibo an entry in which he asks fans what they think about the introduction of a new series of laptops with a gradient color of the housing.

Xiaomi wonders about introducing laptops in gradient colors

Xiaomi wonders about introducing laptops in gradient colors

Most likely, new laptops would look like the recently presented Mi 8 Lite, which is aimed at young people. I personally would not buy a laptop in such vivid colors, the subdued version suits me better, and celebrity gray is currently my favorite. To date, laptops with the Mi logo can be bought in four colors: black, gray, gold and white. As I mentioned, I would not buy a "colored laptop", but the gaming is all the time ... I hope I will not give in.

This is how Mi 8 Lite presents itself:

Xiaomi wonders about introducing laptops in gradient colors

Article Xiaomi wonders about the introduction of laptops in gradient colors comes from the site www.xiaomist.com .


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