Sub-Zero will snatch the spine on the new platform. Mortal Kombat 11 will hit the Nintendo Switch

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Internet spoiled NetherRealm Studios with a surprise and predicted the release of Mortal Kombat 11 at The Game Awards 2018. However, the developers had an ace up their sleeve.

My favorite, Spider-Man, was not appreciated during this year's edition of The Game Awards , and the Russo brothers appeared not to announce the game based on Marvel's comics, but to hand over the Fortnite award. Of the numerous presentations of new games, only two of them really interested me.

For the first time, my heart beat me when Obsidian Games, a studio responsible for Fallout: New Vegas has announced its new IP, The Other Worlds . For the second time, my watch was low enough to alert me of an increased pulse when a representative of NetherRealm Studios appeared on the stage.

First preview and trailer of Mortal Kombat 11 at The Game Awards 2018 .

On the video material that preceded the awarding of the prize by Ed Boon, we could observe a brutal and bloody duel. Scorpion and Raiden were among them.

The cult series Mortal Kombat returns in the latest installment better than ever. Expanded on an unprecedented scale of character modification capabilities, you will be able to personalize your players in detail, making each one of them unique. A new graphics engine, displaying scenes that burst the brain and with which eyes fall out of the orbits, will bring you closer to the fight so close that you will be able to feel it. Based on new and recurring classic characters, the Mortal Kombat series offers the best in its class, cutting-edge story mode based on an epic saga lasting over 25 years - the official description of the game Mortal Kombat 11 in Polish

It was not without cracks of broken bones and splashing in all directions. And no, I will not tell you who won this time. You can check it out yourself by watching the trailer.

mortal kombat 11 nintendo switch ps steam ps4 xbox one price preoder bonus

Mortal Kombat 11 - release date.

The new brawl from NetherRealm Studios, the creators of the Mortal Kombat and Injustice series, will appear on April 23, 2019. For now, however, we have only received a short trailer.

The creators have announced that more information about the new game will be revealed soon, on January 17, when the special screening of Mortal Kombat 11. will take place. I can not wait.

mortal kombat 11 nintendo switch ps steam ps4 xbox one price preoder bonus

What platforms will the new Mortal Kombat go to ?

It is not surprising that the game will appear - like the previous titles of NetherRealm Studios after the big reset of the series - on PCs and PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. However, it looks like it will be another hardware platform.

According to the perceptive editor of the Nintendo Life website, although platforms were not mentioned during the announcement, relevant information appeared in the trailer. The Nintendo Switch console logo appeared there.

mortal kombat 11 nintendo switch ps steam ps4 xbox one price preoder bonus

Mortal Kombat 11 - price

There are a few months left to the game's release, but now players can now check how much they will have to spend on the game - at least in the edition for personal computers. It is not cheap, of course.

The basic version of the new Mortal Kombat in advance on the Steam platform has been valued at PLN 232.99. The Premium edition costs PLN 359.99 in turn. However, it is not known exactly what the supplements will contain.

mortal kombat 11 nintendo switch ps steam ps4 xbox one price preoder bonus

You can now place a preorder order on Mortal Kombat 11.

Pre-orders have already been launched. NetherRealm Studios attracts players in two ways. The people who make the preorder on Mortal Kombat 11 will receive a bonus playable character, Shao-Khan and access to the beta.

The product page on the Steam platform also reveals that Mortal Kombat 11 will be translated into Polish. This applies not only to the interface of the new fight, but also to the subtitles and dialogue paths.

Sub-Zero will snatch the spine on the new platform. Mortal Kombat 11 will hit the Nintendo Switch


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