No more "new generation Xboxes". Microsoft is starting to repair the gaming world from itself

It is quite possible that future Microsoft consoles will invariably be sold under the Xbox One brand. If you believe rumors, the company will focus on the evolution of the platform instead of the division into its next generations.

Sony and Microsoft are already in the phase of advanced planning of their future gaming devices. We do not know the details about the successors of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, at least not from official sources. The head of the Xbox - Phil Spencer - has repeatedly told us that he plans not to cut himself off from the equipment and ideas introduced by his predecessors. Today, we learn a little more about what this means.

All thanks to the reportage of Jesus Corden from Windows Central. The author summarizes in it all the information that he managed to get from Microsoft employees over time. They should not be treated as "certain facts". However, this information is a coherent picture of reality. Logically resulting from Microsoft's current and well-known strategy towards the gaming market.

Successors of Xbox One: three new consoles over the next two years. We already know one thing.

From the source text you will learn that Microsoft is planning to launch an even cheaper version of the Xbox One S for sale next year - as we mentioned - the price is not yet known. However, we know what the company will save. The new Xbox One S (possibly sold under a new name) will have no optical drive.

So you will not be able to play movies from CDs on it, and most of all the game will be available for purchase only digitally. Microsoft intends to establish cooperation with gaming stores, thanks to which our games on CDs will be free to exchange for their versions from the Microsoft Store.

This console is probably a way to make up market shares relative to the competition.

Costing - let's say - 500 PLN Xbox with "almost 200 games available under the inexpensive Xbox Game Pass subscription" is a good idea to attract hundreds of thousands of less affluent players. According to the most up-to-date data, there are two PlayStation 4 consoles sold for each Xbox One console sold - an image problem. Time will tell if such an Xbox One S golfer will solve it.

The other two are new news, although we expected them. Microsoft will continue the strategy of offering game consoles from two price levels. There will be counterparts of Xbox One S and Xbox One X. Refreshed "Eska" would have a capacity similar to "Iksa". A more expensive console would fulfill the promise of rendering games in 4K at 60 fps. At least one of them is to have an optical drive and SSD memory. These consoles would appear before Christmas 2020.

Will the new Xbox One be faster than the previous one? This is not news. My attention attracted something else.

Namely, that all consoles should provide full backwards compatibility. They will offer game developers exactly the same operational platform as before. The software basis will therefore be a hypervisor virtualizing two operating systems. The first is the tailored distribution of Windows 10, responsible for the main interface and running the application. The second is XboxOS, which is built on the foundations of DirectX runtime environment for games, providing backwards compatibility with selected games from Xbox 360 and Xbox.

Translating technical babble on human language: Xbox future consoles will start all games from Xbox One, most of Xbox 360 and games collection from the first Xbox. That we could have expected, but this is related to something additional, related to these games from the future. Xbox One S and Xbox One X will probably be on the market for much longer than the typical console life cycle suggests.

Backward compatibility and future compatibility.

Consoles planned for 2020 will be the first equipment built from the foundations under Phil Spencer. The head of the Xbox department repeatedly, however, repeated that he does not like the world of consoles, in which the replacement of equipment means the need to say goodbye to our old, beloved video games. "Xbox One S 2" and "Xbox One X 2" is an extension of this way of thinking.

The shared architecture of all Xbox consoles means that even if a given game is created for the new generation consoles, adapting it to the previous one is much easier. It will be possible to design the game in the same way that games are being designed for Xbox One S and Xbox One X (and PS4 and PS4 Pro).

It is much cheaper to design one game with three sets of graphic settings (One S, One X, "One X 2" - skip it, if it is to be close to One X) instead of two games for two software architectures -sprzętowe. This in turn means that there will be a fairly long transitional period during which most games will appear on all Microsoft consoles.

The prohibitions and orders for game developers remain the big unknown.

At the moment, it is not possible to create games exclusively on the Xbox One X, just as it is the competition. There are no restrictions on how creators use the power of a faster console, provided that the game will work well also at the cheaper one. It is doubtful, however, that the same rules apply when creating games for future versions of Xbox consoles.

The whole of the current generation of gaming consoles has hit the developers for a relatively weak CPU. The problem of disappointing GPUs has been solved by versions of X and Pro devices from Microsoft and Sony, providing players the opportunity to transition (at extra charge) to 4K resolution. The GPU power, however, defines "only" the graphic detail of the games. The CPU decides about their complexity and the whole construction, so you could not deal with it within one generation of consoles.

We do not know this, but we can assume with a very high probability that "Xbox One S 2" and "Xbox One X 2" will have more efficient processors, corresponding to the needs of the developers of modern games. These games will not be able to work on currently sold consoles, because in their case changing the detail settings is not enough.

Game developers will therefore have to decide: whether to implement new ideas at the cost of non-compliance with tens of millions of consoles that have been in the hands of customers for years. Or will they wait with the use of full hardware capabilities of new consoles until they are available to a sufficient number of buyers? The publishing policy of Microsoft itself can play a key role here, and we do not know it yet.

The competition allegedly does not plan such a broad compatibility between consoles.

We have never been told this directly, which is worth emphasizing. Sony representatives, however, seem to suggest that PlayStation 5 will be a new-generation console in the classic sense of the concept. So a completely new platform for playing and the same as what PlayStation 4 was for the "three".

If this is true, then we will face not only two market competitors, but also two philosophies of running a company. On the one hand, this one from Microsoft seems to draw in a more attractive way, but let's not forget that Sony is the market leader thanks to the players. Which allows us to believe that, after all, the Japanese producer better understands the needs of video game enthusiasts.

No more "new generation Xboxes". Microsoft is starting to repair the gaming world from itself


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