In the stomach of a dead whale, 6 kg of plastic were found

dead whale plastic

To the beach of the island of Kapota, which is part of the Indonesian national park, the sea has dropped a dead whale. Almost 6 kilograms of plastic were found in the stomach of the animal. Well done.

115 plastic cups, 25 disposable bags, a few PET bottles and a pair of flip-flops. This was what the sperm whale was eating, which employees of the national park found on one of the beaches of the island of Kapota.

The body of the whale was already in such an advanced stage of decay that it was impossible to determine what specifically led to his death. I suspect, however, that these 6 kg of plastic did not have a positive effect on its condition.

We change the oceans into a huge garbage dump.

Already, at the bottom of the oceans, there are about 400 million tons of plastic rubbish .

Such a huge amount of waste, according to scientists, will be the largest geological trace that will leave present generations behind. Some scholars are even joking that the current period of our planet's history should be called the plastic era .

The problem with the pollution of sea waters is so serious that some clusters of rubbish already have their own names. We are talking about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, or 87,000. tons of plastic refuse that swim in the best in the North Pacific between California and Hawaii.

Even more disposables are on the bottom. There, moreover, they are crushed to the form of microplastic balls, which are reminiscent of plankton, making plastic a permanent element of the diet of many sea creatures. And people.

Our species does not feed on plankton, but it really likes salt. This obtained from the sea increasingly contains the mentioned microspheres, which can not be distinguished from salt crystals. And so, the salt sold in Europe also contains plastic additives . We will not do anything about it.

This dead whale is a drop in the ocean of our problems related to pollution of the planet.

According to a study commissioned by the UN at the end of 2017, the amount of garbage floating in the seas probably will never allow us to completely repair the complex ecosystem there. The largest garbage collectors are Asian countries, such as China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. But it's hard to be surprised by these statistics, since most of the world has moved its production to that corner of the globe.

The worst thing is that we do not have any idea how to deal with the tons of plastic trash that are piled up in the different recesses of our planet. Such dramatic pictures, like this dead sperm whale, do not make us have a huge impression on us. Oh, another animal that was unlucky and encountered the achievements of our civilization.

Fortunately, it was impossible to determine the cause of death, so we can explain that these 6 kilos of plastic trash in the whale's stomach has nothing to do with his death and then turn our planet into a trash. The consequences of this reasoning will have to be dealt with by the next generations, so we do not have to worry about anything .

In the stomach of a dead whale, 6 kg of plastic were found


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