Global spending on digital transformation will reach 1.3 billion dollars. Lenovo DGC wants to get the most out of it

lenovo data center group

According to studies commissioned by Lenovo, by 2020 27 percent. the film will use Blockchain, the IoT market is to grow by 30 percent, 72 percent, companies will undergo a digital transformation in the next two years, and the market of machine learning and artificial intelligence is expected to grow by 50 percent. What does all this mean?

This means that the large-scale data processing market is just starting its development. There is plenty of room for innovation and next implementations.

And this - from the point of view of the Lenovo Data Center Group and its competitors - means the possibility of acquiring many new customers.

Where there is demand, supply and supply must be provided.

Therefore, Lenovo DCG is gradually expanding its offer and partner network in order to attract new customers. The company also plans to introduce equipment as a service to our market (HaaS), and the details of this solution are to be presented next year.

However, it does not have to build from scratch - on the Polish market, several dozen entities already use the infrastructure from Lenovo, including Ministry of Digitalisation and National Defense, Millennium Banks, Pekao and NBP, insurance companies such as PZU and Axa, and media giants like Onet, WP, TVN and TVP.

In September, the company will also sign a partnership agreement with NetApp and expand its European offer with solutions using the equipment of this supplier.

The company expects that its operation will result in a twofold increase in its turnover over the next two years. But what exactly is this intelligent transformation based on?

Artificial intelligence, cloud computing and business analytics.

Lenovo intends to allocate one billion dollars globally. for research and development of these IT segments. He knows from experience that these investments are effective. In addition to the above-mentioned Polish companies, Lenovo DGC solutions are used by entities around the world, including as many as 17 of the 25 largest universities involved in research.

Solutions for companies from Lenovo DCG that will be offered to clients include data center infrastructure, services related to high-performance data processing and artificial intelligence, as well as services related to the implementation, supervision and maintenance of a given solution.

lenovo data center group

Multitask servers with flexible, customizable configurations and a rich offer of matrices, including the cooperation with NetApp, are among the most important elements of the offer.

The Lenovo Data Center Group has an additional ace up its sleeve.

According to Information Technology Intelligence Consulting research, for five years Lenovo has been a leader in the reliability category of servers based on x86 architecture. This means that a company or organization deciding to choose its IT solutions can count on almost absolute lack of downtime.

- The vision of transformation according to Lenovo is to be the most trusted supplier on the market within the partner ecosystem - emphasized Roman Sioda, Country Leader at the Lenovo Data Center Group at the press meeting.

Behind these claims stand solid data - over the past five years, Lenovo servers in more than 20 countries have been tested. The reliability factor in this test amounted to as much as 99.999 percent, with unplanned downtime of less than four hours (in total between all servers!). Such numbers make an impression, and - most importantly - guarantee peace of mind.

There is something to fight for.

As noted by Roman Sioda at the meeting with the press, citing IDC data, worldwide expenses on the digital transformation of enterprises and organizations will be expressed in the near future in the amount of 1.3 trillion dollars. This is a huge cake, which every Data Center service provider will want to carve out as much as possible.

Global spending on digital transformation will reach 1.3 billion dollars. Lenovo DGC wants to get the most out of it


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