Samsung Galaxy Note 9 surprisingly gets February 2023 update [N960FXXSAFWB3]

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is now surprisingly getting the security patch for February 2023 again in this country. This means that the ancient smartphone is almost up to date again.

In Germany, the update with the designation N960FXXSAFWB3 is now being distributed to users of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9. So owners of the model should check if the update is already there.

The February 2023 security patch fixes dozens of privacy and security vulnerabilities on the device. Samsung launched the Galaxy Note 9 with Android 8.1 in mid-2018. The phone received the Android 9 update in early 2019 and the Android 10 update in early 2020.

As always, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 February 2023 patch will be distributed to users in waves. So it may take a little while for some people to get there.


The post Samsung Galaxy Note 9 gets surprising February 2023 update [N960FXXSAFWB3] appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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