Official: Huawei will introduce HarmonyOS 3 on July 27th

Huawei HarmonyOS 3 release

On July 27, Huawei will officially unveil HarmonyOS 3, its next major operating system. The sparrows have been whistling this date from the rooftops for quite some time, now the date is official. In addition, Huawei will introduce new products on the same day.

Huawei has also confirmed the Smart Office launch in Summer 2022 for global users. So there's a lot going on at Huawei at the end of July. Seems to be exciting again.

HarmonyOS 3 is the successor to HarmonyOS 2 which was released a year ago, in June 2021. It can be expected that the new operating system will offer much more innovative cross-device communication approaches and innovative functions.

It is not yet known whether Huawei will finally distribute HarmonyOS 3 to users globally.


The post Official: Huawei unveils HarmonyOS 3 on July 27 appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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