WhatsApp develops new search function

WhatsApp develops new search function

WhatsApp is becoming more and more powerful. The most popular messenger in the world can also quickly become confusing with many chats, especially if you are doing many things at the same time. This is exactly why WhatsApp has now integrated a solution that gives you a better overview.

WhatsApp lets you search for unread messages

If you are in exchange with many contacts on WhatsApp at the same time, it can quickly happen that you lose track and have simply overlooked messages from certain people. WhatsApp has developed a simple solution for exactly this problem. You can now search for unread messages in the new beta version of WhatsApp for Android (source: WABetaInfo).

So far, you can search for photos, videos, links, GIFs, audio files and documents in WhatsApp. If you are in the chat, you can also search for text passages. Added "Unread" to the chat overview in the beta version . This makes it easy to find unread messages that you might otherwise have missed. The function is also practical if you just want to see the contacts who have written to you. So you have the perfect overview of what is happening in the chat.

If you don't feel like using WhatsApp anymore, here are the best alternatives:

When will the new WhatsApp feature be available?

If you're using WhatsApp for Android in the beta version, then the feature is already there. I've already tried the unread feature in search and it works really well and usefully adds a new option to search. The feature will certainly also be available for iOS and other platforms such as WhatsApp Web when it is carried over to the final version of WhatsApp. It is not yet possible to say when that will be. Since the beta test is already running, it shouldn't be long.


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