Tariff sensation: 60 GB LTE for 19.99 euros

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That's a really good offer. Now there is a whopping 60 GB LTE for 19.99 euros per month in the Telefónica O2 network . You can easily get through the month there. And there should hardly be as much data volume as cheap at the moment.

There is no 5G in this tariff, but LTE with extremely fast 225 Mbit/s. Another plus is that you can even cancel the offer on a monthly basis. The connection price is only EUR 9.99.

The tariff details at a glance:

  • 60 GB data volume
  • Telefonica network
  • 225 Mbps
  • Telephony & SMS FLAT
  • VoLTE & WiFi calling
  • EU roaming
  • monthly cancellable
  • Flexible contract start
  • EUR 19.99/month
  • Connection price EUR 9.99

The article tariff sensation: 60 GB LTE for 19.99 euros first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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