Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 should appear in many color variants

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4

Samsung will probably launch its next generation of foldable smartphones on August 10th. That's in a few weeks, so it's not surprising that we're getting more and more information about the devices.

Now it can be read that the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 will appear in a significantly larger number of fashionable colors. According to Ross Young, we can look forward to exciting color combinations.

Accordingly, the device should appear in the colors black/green/green, gold, gold/yellow/white, gold/yellow/yellow, grey, light blue, purple, silver/navy/navy and silver/white/white.

In addition to the information on the colors, it also says that Samsung will probably produce a large quantity of gray variants of the Galaxy Z Flip 4 in the first few months, followed by purple and gold.


The article Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 should appear in many color variants first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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