Sony Xperia 1 IV pre-orders are said to be disappointing

Sony Xperia 1 IV

Sony unveiled its new flagship phone, the Xperia 1 IV, earlier this month. The device has not gone on sale directly, but pre-orders are possible. Now it seems that the Sony Xperia 1 IV pre-orders are pretty disappointing.

According to @TheGalox_, pre-orders for the Sony Xperia 1 IV are "only a third of pre-orders for the Xperia 1 III". It seems like users aren't as interested in the Xperia 1 IV as they were with the Xperia 1 III.

It is not known where the tipster got these numbers from. However, this information should be treated with caution as it is not official. However, it would be interesting to get official and more accurate information.

One reason for the reluctance of users could of course be the immensely high price. EUR 1,399.00 is not exactly cheap.


The post Sony Xperia 1 IV pre-orders are said to be disappointing appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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