Xiaomi sets a date for the day that will show its electric vehicle for the first time

After some time without giving details about its first electric vehicle , Xiaomi has announced that it will be this year when it will show the world its first prototype , thereby revealing the design lines around which it will revolve.

As the company itself has added, the design of the Xiaomi Car will exceed all expectations , probably being an electric vehicle with a minimalist design but at the same time modern , with a certain futuristic air.

Xiaomi's first electric vehicle will be shown in the third quarter of the year

As Xiaomi has announced, its electric vehicle, or at least its first prototype, will be shown to the world for the first time during the third quarter of the year , that is, between the months of July and September.

Xiaomi pone fecha al día que mostrará por primera vez su vehículo eléctrico. Noticias Xiaomi A
Possible design lines of the Xiaomi Car

In addition, as indicated by Luo Baojun, one of the senior executives related to this ambitious project in which Xiaomi has embarked, the Xiaomi Car will exceed all the expectations that the followers of the brand have put in it .

Let us remember that Xiaomi plans to launch its first electric vehicle on the market in 2024 , in a first phase in which it will try to manufacture around 150,000 vehicles per year , China being the first country to which it will arrive.

via | MyDrivers

The entry Xiaomi sets a date for the day that will show its electric vehicle for the first time was first published in xiaomist: Xiaomi news and news website


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