Xiaomi 12 (Pro): This is how many Android updates the new top smartphones get

Xiaomi 12 (Pro): This is how many Android updates the new top smartphones get

With the Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro, Xiaomi has introduced two new high-end smartphones that are sold at prices starting at 849 euros. One has to rightly ask how long these models will be supplied with Android updates. That's exactly what we're going to tell you now. You have to be careful with the Xiaomi 12X.

Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro covered for four years

If you buy a Xiaomi 12 or Xiaomi 12 Pro, you can feel safe for four years. This is the period in which the Chinese company will provide the smartphones with security updates. There will also be three new Android versions during this period. The Xiaomi 12 and 12 Pro start with Android 12, so you can expect Android 13, 14 and 15 . Of course, there will also be the corresponding MIUI versions.

The cheaper Xiaomi 12X is probably excluded from the upgrade guarantee. It is not known exactly how long Android updates will be available. Instead of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, only a mid-range processor is used here with the Snapdragon 870. There will of course also be certain updates for this smartphone, but they probably didn't want to commit to an update guarantee .

However, it is not known how quickly the updates for the Xiaomi 12 smartphones will be distributed. Xiaomi hasn't been the fastest kind lately. The company has focused more on its own MIUI interface. You are still involved in the development, because Xiaomi's top smartphones are usually represented in the beta versions of Google. So overall we are moving in the right direction .

The Xiaomi 12 Pro looks so beautiful:

Samsung Galaxy S22 offers more

Xiaomi is distributing updates for its top smartphones longer than before, but Samsung is offering longer support. The Galaxy S22 smartphones will receive four new Android versions and five years of security updates. In addition, older models also get very long updates, while Xiaomi only provides very specific smartphones in the upper price range with updates for a long time. So there is still room for improvement here.


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