Sparkasse app completely renewed: Best choice for banking customers in a new guise

Sparkasse app completely renewed: Best choice for banking customers in a new guise

With their own finance app, the savings banks offer an award-winning banking application. Now they want to improve it again. Above all, the revised operation plays an important role, but a completely new function should also convince users.

The savings banks provide a new version of the savings bank app. With the update to version 6.0 and higher, not only practical new features should be introduced. The entire operation of the banking application is said to have been improved .

Be the first to enjoy Apple customers. The new version is already available for the iPhone in the App Store. The old version is still available for Android users in the Google Play Store. But that should change soon, so that all users can experience the app in a new guise. But what exactly does that mean?

Sparkasse app: This is new from version 6.0

The Sparkasse app gets a new layout with the update. A clearer start page should make it easier to use the application. Frequently used controls, for example to start a transfer, move to the top edge. Users can use the tab bar at the bottom to switch between different areas (source: Sparkasse).

However, the new start page should not simply be imposed on users. Instead, there is room for creativity here. For example, you can rearrange your accounts or hide some from your total balance - practical for a better overview or to manage your income in a concentrated manner.

The interactive sales list should also make it easier to keep track of things, especially when your account – or your accounts – is particularly busy, for example when there are many standing orders at the beginning of the month. Insignificant for your finances, but still a nice new function: With the update , the Sparkasse app gets a dark mode.

Thanks to these procedures, you are protected when banking online:

Further improvements for multibanking announced

The special thing about the Sparkasse app: You don't have to have your account with the Sparkasse, you can also use it as a customer of other banks. In this respect in particular, the application is well received: It was recently recognized by Stiftung Warentest as the best application for multibanking. Apparently you don't want to rest on your laurels. Changes are expected later this year. We are curious to see whether the high standards up to now will be maintained.


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