Shoe dryers and sterilizers from Xiaomi

In this article we are going to leave you the best gadgets for drying your shoes and sneakers manufactured by Xiaomi or its sub-brands. Wick away moisture and sterilize your shoes when you get home.

Say goodbye to wet shoes with Xiaomi's new Qualitell shoe dryer

Secador de zapatos Xiaomi

There is nothing more annoying than having wet shoes for various reasons, which on many occasions even generate a bad smell and do not allow you to feel comfortable. This is over! With the arrival of the new Xiaomi Qualitell Shoe Dryer , a gadget that you will surely want to acquire.

Xiaomi Qualitell Shoe Dryer, an indispensable gadget on rainy days

Once again, Xiaomi is present in the world market with unusual products, those that we did not know we needed and that are very useful on rainy days . This is the case of the Xiaomi Qualitell shoe dryer , a gadget that if you are a lover of household products manufactured by this brand, you cannot miss in your collection.


This product is considered a dehumidifier for shoes that not only eliminates unpleasant odors but also allows them to be dried at a temperature of up to 60ºC. It can be used on all types of shoes and socks without the risk of damaging the material of the product.

It has multiple ways to use it where you can set the time according to the need in ranges of 3-6-9 hours of continuous operation. Just by turning it on and programming the run time, it will work quickly and on time.

Where can I buy this product and what is its sale price?

Xiaomi shoe dryer

This product can be purchased through buying and selling platforms such as Aliexpress where, under certain conditions, shipping is totally free and can be purchased for only 14 euros.

See Qualitell shoe dryer

Xiaomi launches a cheap shoe sterilizer and dryer

Xiaomi launches a new gadget for your shoes. This time the product is manufactured in conjunction with Houyuan and will remove moisture and sterilize your shoes for a very low price.

Esterilizador y secador de zapatos Xiaomi YouPin

New shoe sterilizer and dryer from Xiaomi and Houyuan

Xiaomi already launched a sterilizer for your shoes some time ago, specifically the 3Life Shoes Dryer, and in this new product we still have a minimalist design , although somewhat more complex (the other was insoles).

It is made of ABS plastic, in white and has dimensions of 17 X 9 X 4.2 cm , quite compact to transport it to another place or on trips.

Xiaomi YouPin shoe sterilizer and dryer

As you can see in the images, it has a clamp-shaped design which is used to hook your two shoes or slippers and put the sterilizer in it so that it does not move.

This sterilizer can offer a constant temperature of up to 55 degrees , due to its three perforated outlets (in each of the clamps) through which the hot air will come out and reach all the corners of your shoes.

It has several operating modes , which you can program to work in intervals of 15 or 30 minutes and also adds temperature control functions so that there is no problem with humidity.

Price and where to buy Huoyuan shoe dryer

The price of this new gadget to remove moisture from your shoes in the Youpin store is 149 yuan, which in exchange is about €18.

At the moment it is not possible to find it on Aliexpress , even so it is possible that in the next few days it will appear available and we will update to leave you the best and safest link for your purchase.

See shoe dryer on Aliexpress
Xiaomi YouPin shoe sterilizer and dryer


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