Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 gets a feature that Apple users can only dream of

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 gets a feature that Apple users can only dream of

With the Galaxy Watch 4, Samsung laid the foundation for its smartwatch future. The company has technically upgraded properly and has switched to Google for the operating system. With the Galaxy Watch 5 there will be new features again. One of them is now known. Not even the Apple Watch can do that.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 can measure temperature

What is missing from modern smartwatches? Basically, you can do almost anything. You can get help with the Galaxy Watch 4 (for testing) if you fall, measure blood pressure, monitor your heart rate and even create an ECG. With the Galaxy Watch 5, the body temperature should also be easy to measure (source: ETNews). Such a function is absolutely obvious, because you have the smartwatch on your arm anyway, which makes it easier to constantly monitor your body temperature.

This is not only important in times of Corona, where you can determine a possible infection with the virus based on an elevated temperature, but also during sports or in everyday life. Excessive body temperature can cause discomfort . Samsung has arguably solved the problems that caused inaccurate temperature readings with a smartwatch. Both Samsung and Apple are said to have been working on this technology for some time. With the Galaxy Watch 5, Samsung could now present.

What the Galaxy Watch 4 from Samsung can do:

Body temperature measurement only for Samsung users?

The big question will be whether Samsung will make these features available to all people or only to those who also own a Samsung smartphone. This is the case, for example, when measuring blood pressure and creating an ECG. Samsung is sealing itself off with the Galaxy Watch and could also enable temperature measurement exclusively with a Samsung cell phone. The show takes place in the fall. Then at the latest we will find out all the details about the new smartwatch.


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