Samsung Galaxy S21 series gets One UI 4.1 update in Germany

Samsung OneUI 4.1

The Samsung Galaxy S21 series is now being updated to One UI 4.1 in Germany. In the next few days, users of the models should be able to update to the latest Samsung user interface.

While not a major update, One UI 4.1 brings some useful features and improvements, including Google Duo Live integration, Expert RAW app, Object Eraser, Quick Share, Grammarly integration with Samsung Keyboard, and more .

The Expert RAW app is now also available. Primarily aimed at photography enthusiasts, the app offers plenty of features and editing tools, as well as ISO control and multiple lens choices to capture any subject or scene.

Last but not least, Samsung Pay also gets an improvement with this update. Now you can save driver's license, boarding passes, car keys and cinema tickets in the app.

Thanks Tommy for the tip!

The post Samsung Galaxy S21 series gets One UI 4.1 update in Germany appeared first on xiaomist's blog .


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