Partnership with Apple: Porsche boss is mysterious

Partnership with Apple: Porsche boss is mysterious

Is it coming, isn't it coming? Apple's e-car is and will probably remain the biggest mystery in Silicon Valley. Either way, the iPhone manufacturer needs at least one experienced partner. The head of Porsche is currently being quite mysterious and is talking about future joint projects. What does this mean?

What are Apple and Porsche planning?

Apple and Porsche – what belongs together grows together? At least future partnerships are under discussion . On the occasion of the announcement of the company's annual results, Porsche CEO Oliver Blume was quite mysterious and referred to possible joint projects. After all, there have already been meetings in the USA in this regard. Reuters summarizes this as follows:

Managers of sports car maker Porsche traveled to the United States late last year to discuss possible joint projects with iPhone maker Apple (AAPL.O) as well as some other tech companies, the Porsche boss said on Friday.

"We already have Apple CarPlay, we will expand that," said CEO Oliver Blume during a video conference on the carmaker's annual results on Friday.

He said Porsche and Apple traditionally work closely together and are "on the same wavelength," but added that it's too early to make decisions about future projects (source: Reuters).

Porsche now also builds "electric station wagons":

Previous projects rather conservative

So nothing is ready for a verdict yet, but what could Blume aim for here? Maybe Apple's electric car? Was that perhaps what the talks were about? It cannot be ruled out, but more conservative projects are also conceivable and ultimately more likely. One thing to remember is the work on the infotainment systems by Porsche. For example, there is now a native Apple Music app with timed lyrics and a native Apple Podcasts app that works with Porsche's in-car voice assistant. A partnership for Apple's e-car is not ruled out in principle, but there are other levels of possible cooperation.

This Apple Car study has something of Porsche:

But Apple has to hurry. Rumor has it that their own electric car project will bear fruit after 2025, but there is not much time left until then. The iPhone maker is under massive pressure and is looking for partners to help. Every little comment from various car managers is weighed heavily at this moment, but there is no certainty yet. In the near future, therefore, guesswork will be the order of the day.


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