New EU battery regulation passed

Xiaomi Mi Note 10

Now it's official. Batteries in smartphones will be easier to replace in the future. The new EU battery regulation has been passed. From 2024 it will be firmly glued batteries on the collar. This presents manufacturers with new challenges.

The new EU battery regulation is intended to ensure the sustainable use of batteries along the entire value chain. A battery pass is intended to ensure that the CO2 footprint of batteries for electric vehicles is introduced and that the interchangeability of portable batteries is improved.

The new regulation stipulates that from 2024 onwards, batteries in smartphones, e-bikes and other electronic items must be continuously replaceable throughout the EU. In the future, human rights will be respected in the value chain and significantly more cobalt, lead, lithium and nickel will be recycled to produce new batteries.

This creates new problems for the manufacturers of smartphones in particular. Until now, glued housings and batteries made sure that they were also waterproof. In the future, this will no longer be quite as easy to accomplish.

press release

The post New EU battery regulation passed first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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