Mac nano: The smallest Apple computer in the world – what an idea

Mac nano: The smallest Apple computer in the world – what an idea

Even tinier than a Mac mini? Doesn't even exist from Apple - not yet. However, the following idea of ​​a "Mac nano" literally cries out to be implemented by Apple as soon as possible, it is so grandiose. The question remains for us: Does Apple dare and has the courage to actually build something like this?

Mac mini has been the smallest Mac ever since it was first introduced over 16 years ago. The mini isn't that tiny, to be honest. After all, the current dimensions of the Apple computer of 19.7 x 19.7 x 3.6 centimeters and the weight of 1.2 kilograms are still not too large for a desktop computer these days, but actually it should be smaller , or?

Mac nano vs Mac mini: Blueprint for the smallest Apple computer in the world

Is it possible, at least according to the will of the Brazilian designer "Renato Ramos Bogo", who has built a "Mac nano" for us as a modern alternative in his virtual workshop (source: Behance). The basic idea: At least since Apple's M1 chip, Macs don't really have to be that big anymore. Ergo: The computing power fits into a much smaller housing .

The Mac nano therefore only requires a square area of ​​6.5 x 6.5 centimeters and has a height of only 0.765 centimeters. In short: Half an iPhone, only without a display and all the other expensive technologies such as a 5G modem etc. It doesn't need them.

There are three Thunderbolt / USB 4 ports for connecting peripherals such as monitors and more, to which the external power supply unit can then also be connected. Logical: The Mac nano is so tiny that there is no space for an integrated power dispenser. Maybe the tiny Mac would even get by with the iPhone charger (20 watts) - somehow clever. The Mac nano would ultimately be Apple's answer to the well-known Raspberry Pie, just without the tinkering.

You could always have such a Mac with you in your pocket . Just connect a display, mouse, trackpad and keyboard - done. Incidentally, an iPad (wireless) could also function as an external monitor, so you don't have to keep looking for one on site.

The Mac mini is currently the smallest Mac:

Alternative idea: An iPhone with macOS?

However... wouldn't an iPad or iPhone with macOS then be the easier choice? It would be if Apple had an interest in it. Technically, the porting would be possible without any problems, after all, macOS and iOS now share the same platform. However, Apple also wants to sell the Mac separately - for the sake of money.

What might actually await us in 2022:

This then brings us to the price of the Mac nano . The designer and creator of the exciting design has $199 in mind . Oh! Dreamed up too soon, as tempting as the offer might be, Apple is likely to ask for at least twice that amount – $399 . Then Apple would perhaps also dare and bring the tiny one to the market, but the offer would still be attractive. xiaomist thinks such a Mac nano would also be the ideal computer for the price-sensitive education market. Always one of the preferred target groups for Apple.


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