iPhone SE 3 – battery capacity, Qi and fast charging?

iPhone SE 3 – battery capacity, Qi and fast charging?

Of course, anyone who is interested in the new iPhone SE 3 also wants to know what kind of battery it has. What is the performance, how long does it take to charge, can the device be charged wirelessly? We have compiled this important information for you.

The battery power should also be one of the purchase criteria for the iPhone SE 3. After all, you want to know beforehand how long the battery will last. But in addition to the battery life of the iPhone SE 3, you probably also want to know how quickly the device can be recharged and whether you can also do it wirelessly.

Battery capacity of the iPhone SE 3

Apple likes to hold back with precise information and so later investigations usually determine individual performance data. We are experiencing this again with the battery of the iPhone SE 3: Apple speaks of a " great battery " and compares the runtime with older models based on video playback. Unfortunately, there is no statement in the form " The battery of the iPhone SE 3 has a capacity of x.xxx mAh ".

However, it must also be said that the runtime of the iPhones was always very closely related to the perfect interaction between iOS, the processor and the battery. It's definitely no different here. The iPhone SE 2 had a capacity of 1,821 mAh. For example, Apple specifies a 2 hour longer video runtime for the SE 3 model than for the SE 2.

Specified battery values ​​in comparison:

Model iPhone SE 3 iPhone SE 2 video playback 15 hours 13 hours audio playback 50 hours 40 hours

The battery capacity of the iPhone SE 3 is probably higher - or Apple has changed the settings.

Is it possible to charge the iPhone SE 3 wirelessly and quickly

"Yes" to both! The SE 3 can be charged wirelessly at all charging stations according to the Qi wireless standard with sufficient power.

A completely discharged iPhone SE 3 can also be brought to a battery charge of 50% in just 30 minutes. To do this, however, it must be connected to an "Apple USB-C Power Adapter" that has a power of at least 20 watts.

The combination of probably a slightly higher battery capacity, longer runtime and fast charging ensures that you can get through the day with the iPhone SE 3. With a power bank or intermittent charging at a socket, the device will not go limp.


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