iPhone 14: This picture gives us a stomach ache

iPhone 14: This picture gives us a stomach ache

Everything is actually already certain: With the iPhone 14, Apple wants to have finally made a decision, the notch has to go. The replacement for the iconic design feature, however, causes heated discussions. A picture gives us stomach ache and arouses the fear that Apple could end up making things worse.

Even if you have gotten used to the notch, i.e. the upper display notch, on the iPhone, nobody should really shed a tear. As is well known, Apple will then also replace them on the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Both a camera hole (punch hole) and a pill-shaped display opening , which includes the Face ID sensors, are to be used.

iPhone 14: Apple drills (too) big holes

This rumor is now confirmed again by a design drawing that appeared, which was immediately classified as correct and accurate by Apple insider and expert Jon Prosser (source: Weibo via Jon Prosser). What is disturbing about it, however, is the sheer size of the openings. This is clearly visible in the comparison with previous expectations of the new design.

This would not exactly be subtle, but rather frighteningly clumsy and anything but an aesthetic alternative to the notch. Quite a few customers would then probably say: Oh my God, Apple made it even worse! But there is hope, display expert Ross Young, who was often right, showed us a slightly more delicate version of the new design in January. In this respect, the schematic drawing that has now appeared should not be taken at face value, in contrast to Jon Prosser. So let's just wait and see.

In contrast to the current iPhone 13 (in the video), there will no longer be a mini version of the iPhone 14:

New front from 2023 also for all iPhone standard models

Buyers of a "normal" iPhone 14 and the new, larger version with a 6.7-inch display (iPhone 14 Max) will therefore also have to wait. The two standard models will still have a notch, so the new front design is not relevant for them. This will change next year. Ross Young confirms current assumptions that all four iPhone models will then get the new dual punch-hole design (source: Ross Young). Good news on the one hand, but it also means that we won't get a flawless iPhone in 2023 either. Ergo: An under-display camera is still not an option for Apple in the future.


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