iPad Air 5: Apple tablet customers can breathe easy

iPad Air 5: Apple tablet customers can breathe easy

Externally, Apple doesn't really surprise with the new iPad Air 5. Inside, instead of the suspected Apple A15, the M1 from the Macs or the iPad Pro is now at work there. However, there was a fear that fortunately did not materialize - customers can breathe a sigh of relief.

M1 in the iPad Air 5 without a throttle: lucky

As positive as the decision was received, there was concern that Apple would somehow restrict the M1 in the iPad Air 5 (see Amazon). For example, there was a reduction in the clock frequency in the room . Nothing new for Apple and quite common with other products from the company. But the dire fear is not true.

A series of first benchmarks (Geekbench 5) proves: The M1 of the iPad Air 5 is exactly as powerful as that of the iPad Pro. Around 1,700 points are achieved in single-core operation, and around 7,200 points in multi-core operation. Ergo: No compromises compared to the iPad Pro, the chip was therefore not artificially limited by Apple and, for example, downclocked (source: MacRumors). This means that the iPad Air is really about 60 to 70 percent faster than the previously used Apple A14 Bionic.

The most important features of the new iPad Air 5:

Good to know: The M1 (originally introduced with a range of Macs in November 2020) is basically based on the A14, but is much more powerful due to the advanced design. One should not forget the built-in 8 GB of RAM in the iPad Air 5.

With the iPad mini, Apple does things differently

But why was there even a concern about a power limit in the new iPad Air 5? Quite simply because Apple used this option with the current iPad mini 6. The iPad with the smallest screen is powered by an Apple A15, but its clock speed has been reduced from 3.2 GHz to 2.9 GHz compared to the iPhone 13 . In practice, this makes the tablet about 2 to 8 percent slower than Apple's current iPhone. In this respect, there were fears of a similar intervention with the new iPad Air. Fortunately, Apple kept its word and actually installed the M1 in the new Luftikus without any performance-limiting modifications - very well.


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