Frustration with the iPad Air: New Apple tablet causes surprising problems

Frustration with the iPad Air: New Apple tablet causes surprising problems

Does Apple have a quality problem with the new iPad Air? Tablet owners complain about creaking noises. The cause should be in the back.

With the new iPad Air, Apple has carried out a facelift, which mainly relates to the inner workings: a powerful M1 chip, a 12 MP front camera with follow mode and optional 5G support bring the tablet up to date. On the outside, however, everything is the same remained – at least at first glance.

iPad Air (2022) makes creaking noises

Because compared to the predecessor, the processing quality is said to have suffered. Users report that their new iPad Air makes creaking noises coming from the back (Source: Reddit). It is suspected that the back is thinner than the iPad Air 2020 and that is why the noise occurs. "You can almost feel the battery through the back," writes the author of the original Reddit post. In the meantime, more than 300 answers have been added, some of which confirm the creaking noises, but some don't.

The new iPad Air with the power of the M1 chip:

An official statement from Apple is still pending

Whether a thin case back is really responsible for the problems cannot be answered at the moment. It is conceivable that the new components have forced Apple to change something on the internal structure of the iPad Air (2022), which is why there are creaking noises. An official statement from Apple is still pending.

Apple introduced the new iPad Air as part of the March event. The sales price starts at 679 euros for the entry-level model with 64 GB of storage space. A variant with 128 GB of memory is not offered, buyers have to go directly to the version with 256 GB for 849 euros. xiaomist colleague Sven Kaulfuss finds this storage stinginess in 2022 no longer up to date.

Apple is probably working on a revised multitasking especially for M1 iPads.


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