{Disarmed} You can already know if a person is on Instagram or not before replying to a Stories

You can already know if a person is on Instagram or not before replying to a Stories

Instagram is one of the most important social networks in the world. This does not stop including news. This time it has included a functionality with which you can know if someone is online on Instagram through the Stories.

"Active" arrives on Instagram Stories with the chronological order

As in direct messages on Instagram, where "Active now" appears when you have an open conversation, "Active" arrives in Instagram Stories in such a way that in the lower right part it appears accompanied by a green dot to say that the person is using Instagram.

{"videoId":"x80zm9u","autoplay":true,"title":"21 TRUCOS DE INSTAGRAM - ¡Tutorial con todos los secretos!"}

It corresponds to a curious functionality that will help generate conversation , because many users do not reply to Instagram Stories if they know that the contact will not even see the message before the image or photo is deleted.


The company does not stop including news in this section of the app due to its success. Let's remember that this is inspired by the Snapchat social network and that now even YouTube has its own fleeting content .

At the moment it is in beta, although it will gradually be deployed to everyone. It contrasts quite a bit with the "I like" that have recently been included in this same section , although these were included precisely so as not to saturate the direct messages and make the conversation more fluid.

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In xiaomist
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Another novelty is that the chronological order returns to the Feed , since for some time Instagram has shown you the publications in an unordered way depending on the interaction that the publications were having.

(function() { window._JS_MODULES = window._JS_MODULES || {}; var headElement = document.getElementsByTagName( head )[0]; if (_JS_MODULES.instagram) { var instagramScript = document.createElement( script ); instagramScript.src = ; instagramScript.async = true; instagramScript.defer = true; headElement.appendChild(instagramScript); } })();

The news You can already know if a person is on Instagram or not before replying to a Stories was originally published in xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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