{Disarmed} Xiaomi seems, but it is not: they find counterfeit Xiaomi induction plates

Xiaomi seems, but it is not: they find counterfeit Xiaomi induction plates

Counterfeits are a problem for all manufacturers, but it is even more so for Xiaomi . The company has a huge ecosystem of all kinds of products, from large to small appliances.

Many times some vendors advertise products in which Xiaomi has nothing to do , beyond a specific agreement to launch a product, and on many occasions these brands are advertised as if they belonged to the parent company, when many times they do not.

They find a batch of counterfeit induction stoves

fake induction hob

On this occasion, the State Administration for Market Regulation in China has published the results of a random supervision of the quality of products such as stoves, heaters and induction plates. Of 74 bundles of registered products, 40 had to be intervened . Among them, a batch of counterfeit Xiaomi induction hobs.

These, as can be seen in the photograph, are quite far from the design that Xiaomi sells under Mijia. In addition, the problem was that they were insecure, because beyond being false they also failed to pass the electromagnetic test.

{"videoId":"x80kirc","autoplay":true,"title":"INVASIÓN llevo una semana usando 23 productos XIAOMI y ninguno es TECNOLÓGICO"}

Wang Hua, manager of Xiaomi's public relations department, condemned this action through the Weibo social network and warned about the only existence of the brand 's Mijia model .

Xiaomi is aware of this problem and includes a multitude of seals on the boxes with which it is possible to know if a product is true or, on the contrary, it is false. In fact, it does not only happen with ecosystem products , but you can also check if your Xiaomi mobile is fake or not .

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In xiaomist
Xiaomi wants to be the king of your work table: its latest release can scan documents and print in high quality via WiFi

You always have to buy the products in official stores and distributors, despite the fact that on many occasions when buying on the internet it is difficult, you have to make sure before making the purchase so that you do not get caught in a poke.

More information| IT Home

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The Xiaomi news seems, but it is not: they find counterfeit Xiaomi induction plates was originally published in xiaomist by Alejandro Fernández .


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