{Disarmed} Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: gameplay video before and after the GOS update

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra colors header

As is well known, Samsung had throttled its Galaxy S22 series using GOS. That caused a lot of trouble and in the end the models , along with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 series , were thrown out of the GeekBench benchmark. Samsung has now rolled out a corresponding update for its Galaxy S22 series that eliminates the brake.

After the new update everything should be fine again. But that doesn't seem to be entirely true. After the update that has now been distributed, GOS can be deactivated initially, but if the temperature of the smartphone rises, the Game Optimizing Service will be activated again.

A video has now been released showing a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with the Samsung Exynos 2200 before and after the patch. Before the update, there were significant system dips to protect the system, games were sometimes only rendered at 20 fps.

After the update, it runs much more smoothly, with deactivated GOS you now get 50 fps. But then the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra seems to get too warm, GOS comes on and the performance drops back to 30 fps. When then, however, it is also strange that the power consumption is significantly higher if GOS was previously deactivated, but the performance is just as bad again.

In the end, the GOS update for the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra will not please gamers either.

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The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: Gameplay video before and after GOS update post first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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