{Disarmed} Samsung Galaxy S22 Drop Test [Video]

Samsung Galaxy S22 colors header

Now the Samsung Galaxy S22 can also be seen in a drop test video. Just like the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra on Gorilla Glass Victus+ on the front and back. But how does the smallest of the 3 new flagships fare?

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra had n't fared so well in the drop test . Let's see how things go on the Galaxy S22. In any case, there aren't the curved display edges that caused problems with the Ultra.

The Samsung Galaxy S22 has a metal frame that can withstand a lot in the event of a fall. There are only a few scratches. However, if the phone comes up with the display or the glass back, cracks are almost certain.

And the Samsung Galaxy S22 drop test also shows that you should definitely use a protective cover.

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The postSamsung Galaxy S22 in the drop test [video] first appeared on xiaomist's blog .


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