{Disarmed} How to know if your mobile is compatible with wireless charging and reverse charging

How to know if your mobile is compatible with wireless charging and reverse charging

Do you take advantage of the wireless charging of your mobile? What about reverse wireless charging, the tool to supply power to other compatible devices?

Only a few Xiaomi, Redmi and POCO terminals support these features and not everyone even knows how to activate them. We tell you how to find out and get the most out of both functions.

How to know if my mobile is compatible with wireless charging

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First of all, to know if your mobile is compatible with these technologies, we must know exactly which mobile we have in our hands. Keep in mind that wireless charging and reverse wireless charging are different technologies. The first offers the possibility of charging without a cable. The second is responsible for supplying power to other devices from the load of ours , without having to use any USB cable.

How to know if the wireless charging of your Xiaomi mobile is working correctly
In xiaomist
How to know if the wireless charging of your Xiaomi mobile is working correctly

To find out if your device is compatible with wireless charging, you just have to enter the Terminal Settings by following this path:

  • Enter ' About phone '.
  • Scroll down to the ' All Specs ' option and choose it.
  • Enter the ' Status ' section, where you will find the serial number of your terminal and the official nomenclature.

And if you can't find the necessary information, don't worry, there is an app called Wireless Charging Checker that will help you. This Android application with 5 stars is responsible for giving the answer we are looking for, saving us any doubt.

How to activate reverse wireless charging

Wireless Charging 1

On the other hand, if what you are looking for is to activate reverse wireless charging, you will only have to follow these steps:

  • Go into ' Settings '.
  • Now scroll down to the ' Battery and performance ' section.
  • Within this new window, access the settings by tapping on the cogwheel in the upper left corner.
  • In the new menu you will already find this function. If you can't find it, go to the ' Battery ' section.
  • Tap on the ' Reverse Wireless Charging ' feature.

You should know that reverse wireless charging stops NFC technology , so while you're supplying power you won't be able to make NFC payments or use compatible devices — such as remote controls.

Xiaomi NFC Pay Strap: this is the strap to issue payments with any watch
In xiaomist
Xiaomi NFC Pay Strap: this is the strap to issue payments with any watch

In any case, the wireless charging will not start working until the receiving device does not start receiving power and, for this, it must also support Qi charging technology.

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The news How to know if your mobile is compatible with wireless charging and reverse charging was originally published in xiaomist by Isra Fdez .


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